Desire and Fear: The Glitch in the Human System

We live in a world driven by ambition. Everywhere you look, people are striving for more—more success, more recognition, more control over their lives and the world around them. We chase after wealth, power, status, and certainty, often without stopping to question the deeper forces that are really driving our actions. But what if these forces—our desires and fears—are not just influencing our decisions, but actually shaping the very reality we live in? What if they are the glitch in our human dynamical system, the reason why we struggle to understand the true nature of reality, and why our pursuit of power often leaves us feeling more fragmented than whole?

Understanding the Glitch

Let’s start with a simple truth: desire and fear are two sides of the same coin. Desire pushes us toward something we want—wealth, recognition, power—while fear pulls us away from what we don’t want—failure, loss, rejection. Together, they form a cycle that keeps our minds trapped in a constant state of opposition. We spend our lives caught between wanting more and fearing what we might lose, and this tug-of-war not only governs our personal lives but also shapes our understanding of the world.

This, according to the Systemic Universe Theory (SUT), is the root of our problem. When we are driven by desire and fear, we reduce our perception of reality to a narrow, fragmented field. We move from the vast, interconnected multidimensional reality that is all around us, into a confined, three-dimensional space where everything seems to be in opposition. The more we are motivated by the need to control, predict, or manipulate, the more fragmented and limited our view of reality becomes. This is the glitch—a self-imposed limitation that keeps us from experiencing the full beauty and interconnectedness of existence.

The Double-Slit Experiment: A Mirror for Our Mind

To understand this concept better, let’s revisit one of the most famous experiments in quantum physics: the double-slit experiment. At first glance, this might seem like just another quirky quantum mechanics phenomenon, but in reality, it holds a mirror up to the human condition.

In the double-slit experiment, when particles like electrons are sent through two slits without observation, they behave like waves, creating an interference pattern on the screen—an elegant, multidimensional ripple effect that suggests the particles are not acting as individual entities but as part of a larger, interconnected field. But when we try to observe or measure the particles—when we attempt to control or predict their behaviour—the interference pattern disappears, and the particles act like solid objects, passing through one slit or the other. We are left with a fragmented, three-dimensional reality.

This is exactly what happens to us when desire and fear are driving our thoughts and actions. When we seek to control or manipulate the world around us, we collapse the multidimensional field of possibilities into a rigid, limited state of being. The beauty, the interconnectedness, the vast potential of life disappears, and we are left with a fragmented reality—one defined by conflict, opposition, and limitation.

On the other hand, when we approach the world with curiosity, wonder, and a desire to truly engage with it, the multidimensional nature of reality opens up to us. We see the interference pattern—the beauty of the interconnected field, where everything is in harmony. This is the deeper lesson of the double-slit experiment: it’s not just about the particles, it’s about us. We collapse our own reality when we are consumed by desire and fear. But when we let go of the need to control and dominate, we can engage with the world in a way that is far more meaningful, far more connected, and far more real.

Desire and Fear: The True Glitch

Desire and fear are not just emotions; they are the fundamental forces that keep us trapped in a three-dimensional, fragmented reality. When we desire something—whether it’s wealth, status, or even security—we are essentially saying that we are incomplete without it. And when we fear losing something, we are saying that we are defined by it. In both cases, we are operating from a place of lack—the belief that we need something outside of ourselves to be whole, to be safe, or to be fulfilled.

This mindset pulls us away from the natural state of coherence and balance that exists in the multidimensional field of reality. It keeps us locked in opposition—between wanting and not having, between fearing and avoiding—and this opposition fragments not only our thoughts but our entire experience of reality.

It’s like constantly trying to piece together a puzzle, but the more pieces you find, the more scattered they become. The irony is that, in our pursuit of control, we actually create more chaos.

The Power of Intention: Choosing Coherence Over Fragmentation

So, how do we break free from this glitch? The answer lies in intention. Intention is the hidden driver of reality, the force that shapes how energy behaves in the universe. When our intention is rooted in control, domination, or manipulation, the field collapses. We end up in a fragmented reality, constantly struggling to put the pieces together. But when our intention is to understand, to engage, to evolve alongside the natural order, the multidimensional field remains open and interconnected.

In other words, when our intention is to do good, to act with fairness, justice, and kindness, the system responds by revealing its inherent beauty and coherence. But when our intention is driven by greed, fear, or the need for supremacy, the system resists, and the natural harmony collapses.

This is where we must make a choice: do we continue to be driven by desire and fear, constantly collapsing our own reality into fragments? Or do we choose to align ourselves with the multidimensional field and engage with the world from a place of balance, curiosity, and connection?

Manifestation vs. Alignment

In today’s world, it’s common to hear people talk about “manifesting” their desires—whether it’s wealth, health, or success. We’re told that if we focus hard enough on what we want, we can “attract” it into our lives. But this focus on manifesting is just another form of control. It’s another way of trying to impose our will on reality, to force the universe to give us what we think we need.

The truth is, when we focus on manifesting wealth, we might get it, but it often comes at a personal cost—perhaps at the expense of our health, or our relationships, or our peace of mind. The same is true when we focus on manifesting anything in the three-dimensional field of reality. It’s always a trade-off, because in a fragmented reality, you can never have it all.

But when we align ourselves with the multidimensional field of reality, there is no need to “manifest” anything. Everything we need—health, wealth, love, wisdom—manifests itself naturally, in the right order, sequence, measure, and proportion. This is the essence of living in alignment with the natural order. It’s not about forcing reality to give us what we want; it’s about allowing reality to unfold in its own perfect way.

The Choice We Must Make

At the end of the day, the choice is ours. We can continue to live in a state of desire and fear, constantly collapsing our own reality into fragmented pieces, or we can choose to live in alignment, allowing the multidimensional beauty of the universe to unfold before us. The double-slit experiment shows us the power of this choice. It reveals the hidden forces that govern reality—not just in the quantum world, but in our own lives. And it reminds us that, ultimately, the only real glitch in the human dynamical system is desire and fear.

When we let go of those, the interference pattern reappears, and we begin to see the world for what it truly is: interconnected, beautiful, and full of infinite possibilities. The choice is ours to make.